It needs a lot of patience and the right questions at the right time.
*Do you know, why the group should take care actively in the SFI business?
*What have the group members to work together of it, with you and in the group?
*When do you react to be able to answer as a group member?
*What is your motivation?
*Do you know whether do your group members fit to achieve a common aim?
*How does a group notice that it is worthwhile to exert itself for the group and itself?
little while you get some idea how to build Team but for beginner they dot have any idea.You can take help from SFI there is punch of information is available for individual get started on how to maintain or boost momentum in his or her group. My CSA Upline setup a monthly contest. It was this that got me very active. You can do same. Just make sure it is something within your reach.You need help you your sponsor or upline Team.
if you are a leader of the group and you've got a group active in the forum objavlamo daily activities in a closed group members, this means that most on going what and how the group as well as you have to be very active because you have a role model and vskupini to see where the mistakes that can be correct this is my opinion