Is there such a thing as helping your affiliates TOO much?

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5765 votes
Tan Kah Keong, Aff (Malaysia) Top Author Forum Guru 12/7/2014 10:53 am
Affiliate since: 11/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Tan's 4 other Ask SC answers
I strongly believe that all committed affiliates at SFI will go all the way to help fellow affiliates.we are in the networking business and everyone is just as important.As long they needed our help or opinion,we will be there to guide them as much as we could.
All the best to u Emma.
5763 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/7/2014 7:52 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999

Is there such a thing as helping your affiliates too much?


Saying in a single and simple word "yes". My sister's up-line co-sponsor helps his team and gives more support to them. He conducts challenges(Qualifying as EAs at-leat) between his team and provides T-credits or PSAs from his co-op to the winners. Even he is giving moral support to become EAs.
What I want to say is if you are financially sound then you will have more ways
5762 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/6/2014 1:38 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
There should not be a thing as helping your affiliates too much. Your affiliates need as much help as possible and whenever you can provide that assistance it will be beneficial to them. Try encouraging them with a regular correspondence that will not only make them feel that you are helping them with the various programs but also making them feel that they are not forgotten by you. They need that encouragement.
5739 votes
David Manell, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 12/7/2014 10:01 am
Affiliate since: 05/28/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read David's 20 other Ask SC answers
From my experience and even what I experience now is that , give your affiliates only that is needed not more other wise you will spoil them . when you were a child and needed to walk your parents did not walk for you you tried by crawling first then stand up and then walk ,when you started at a job they trained you and you worked on your own
hope this will help
5736 votes
KAUSHIK TOPRANI, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 12/7/2014 1:35 am
Affiliate since: 04/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read KAUSHIK's 15 other Ask SC answers

First of all, helping is not the right word guiding is right word. Yes guiding is must to grow our business. Many people quit just because they dont get proper guidance.We should guide our downlines let it be as you say TOO much. My uplines who are doing very well now had already joined twice before as no guidance was given they had to quit. Anyways there is such a thing as guiding your affiliates TOO much. Greetings and best of luck.
5736 votes
Ervilia Andreea Ion, Aff (Romania) Top Author Forum Guru 12/6/2014 2:20 pm
Affiliate since: 09/16/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ervilia Andreea's 7 other Ask SC answers
I don`t think you can help too much your affiliates... Only if they don`t take SFI business really serious and they feel stressed if they receive to many emails from you...
Anyone wishes a good sponsor that is always there for them, especially when they need him.
Anyway my opinion is that is better help them too much than helping them too little.
Have a wonderful day!
5730 votes
Olanrewaju Musa Murtala, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 12/11/2014 10:33 am
Affiliate since: 03/30/2021, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Olanrewaju Musa's 2 other Ask SC answers
Affliate, being new in the system needs thorough guidance. Though the training tips were explanatory enough to affliates, Onevca not still underestimate the power of encouragement which is key to your success lines. As you motivate for good performance, the affliate(s) do more all to his/ her credit and even you. Hence you can not encourage more without geting much enthusiasm from the affliates. So Sponsors should cultivate the attitude of motivating success lines affliate by sending greeting cards,
5720 votes
Mansaram Jogiyal, Aff (Italy) Top Author Forum Guru 12/6/2014 1:28 pm
Affiliate since: 05/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Mansaram's 10 other Ask SC answers
Yes of-course many things to helps your affiliates,duplication is most important tools for helping SFI affiliates.
what are you doing for growing your income and SFI business just you teach them, no body is born to knowing everything themselves .
You are very lucky if few CSAs and PSAs is most active you have to teach them it's your duty if you don't know ask your up-line team members,Ask Gery Carson,read blog and Training Tools.
Gift Certificate is on of these you can
5710 votes
Anton Trdić, Aff (Croatia) Top Author Forum Guru 12/13/2014 4:15 am
Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Anton's 20 other Ask SC answers
Hi, my answer to this questuion is : No, it is not !

Let me elaborate...

Helping is needed by your new or actual team members, because you are their sponsor and responsible for their advancmen. After all, you profit from your team members, the least you can do is to help them achieve what you have also done.

And most of all, they will be gratefull for your services, and probably will stay longer in SFI !

Enjoy SFI and cheers to all SFI members...
5678 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/14/2014 2:41 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
in my opinion there's nothing like helping your affiliates too much .
We always have to help our affiliates when ever they need support. After all we always benefits from our affiliates. We need to assist our affiliates till they are ready to build their own team. Remember we become successful only if our affiliates are successful.
Thank you!