Hey man,there is no tricks.You just look and that's what you see ;)
It can also serve you as a marketing place to start!
And when you look at it you will see your downline ("downline" = people who are PSA and PRM):
I'll write you what I see,with no special tricks ('cause it's all there,and you see it,so no tricks).
First,there is tab "Basics",where you can LOT OF different BASIC informations:
- first,see what is their ID in SFI,their name and rank (AFF for affiliate,EA for Executive Affiliate,etc.)
- then,if there's jet-plain next to their name ("jet-plain" - meaning that they are eligible for Fast track program 2.0)
- then,who is their sponsor (if Generation is No. 1 then their sponsor is you)
- you can see comparing how much VP their earned last month and this month,generation,time of registration and time of last logging in
- you see also in Basics tab is some CSA has been added to him/her,and the key-code he/she registered under and then options to communicate with affiliate (team mail,regular e-mail,chat - if balloon is yellow,and special notes)
On the second tab ("Versa points") you can see their gaining of VP (yesterday,this month,last month and up to date) and their Power rank (overall,country,class).
There is third tab (with information about S-Builder),the fourth (about communication - e-mail addresses and number of telephones),then different aspects of profile of PSA,sales they made,gift certificates,geography (where are they're from),also reassignment part and T credits part (that's if you want to reward your member of downline for special achievements).
So,no tricks,you just take a look and you'll SEE ;)
The answer might be similar to "movers tab".When you take a look,you see who's progressing and who is not.There's what you get when you're vidinig it,.
Hey man,there is no tricks.You just look and that's what you see ;)
It can also serve you as a marketing place to start!
And when you look at it you will see your downline ("downline" = people who are PSA and PRM):
I'll write you what I see,with no special tricks ('cause it's all there,and you see it,so no tricks).
First,there is tab "Basics",where you can LOT OF different BASIC