SFI gives us a lot of proven marketing method and Ideas
But also to me that method doesn't mean to work for
Everyone. We all have to be creative and have to produce
What fits us the best. I would give you the answer what
Looks good on the face of SFI but I don’t. I love the
Concept of this business and the excitement over here.
Good company good result great help.
Now in the business of marketing why many are not
successful and why they fail in a short amount of time?.
Is there something wrong what we supposed to train
Or teach the beginners when it comes to make them
Successful and stick with the business for a long time
To come. The answer yes absolutely yes for most of
First let me ask this question. How did we get here for
Some of us to be successful in this business then forgot
The concept when we reach this stage?.
You see I saw a lot of half successful marketers forgot
Where they were then when they get beginners expect
Them to perform they job without proper training, Even
Some asked how they don’t get it. This happen only on
sells. Would you imagine a sergeant without a proper
I said half successful because they don’t know how to take
Care of their life streams.
You don’t get a clear honest answer for your question till
You know your beginner true gift and desire.
once you take your time and find out you build from there.
I wouldn't advice him/her a particular method before I truly know him or her, there will be no rush because I don’t need them to produce me for just today or tomorrow but for years to come and that come with the right tool what fits them best.
For Example.
Many businesses including SFI teach you to pass the word
For friends and family, and probably that’s one reason we loose a lot of associates because they came to the business
Just to make us happy then quit the business since it wasn't their initiation to keep it in the first place. Here we are just started and bring a family or a friend few weeks later no result they quit and here we went with them. Since this work for some but not for majority. I have never been a fan of that and I always deal with strangers who are hungry, sick and tired of their living situation. Now in order to know what best SFI marketing method is good for beginner ask your beginner what he/she is comfortable to do and makes that person happier in what he/she perform the business let them do and build from their first never push your agenda. If their choice bring the result great everyone is happy if not then put your,
Skill in motion to give them suggestion and ideas make them to analyze, sleep on it and talk about it. Having a
A good communication with the beginners, with all your
Affiliates for that matter is the best way to grow your
SFI gives us a lot of proven marketing method and Ideas
But also to me that method doesn't mean to work for
Everyone. We all have to be creative and have to produce
What fits us the best. I would give you the answer what
Looks good on the face of SFI but I don’t. I love the
Concept of this business and the excitement over here.
Good company good result great help.
Now in the business of marketing why many are not
successful and why they fail in a short