In order to be successful in any month, you must know what success entails for that month. In your first month success was merely to earn your EA. In your second month, your success was to earn your EA2. This is not a lateral promotion because there was much more effort in searching out was to earn that EA@ as opposed to the road map that your To Do Map provides.
For the third month you must make real decisions and set several goals in order to reach a third month success. Will you go BTL, sponsor PSAs, buy CSAs, start an ECA or refer ECAs? The time to make these choices is before the end of the previous month.
We have two basic ways to begin our new months with success in mind.
We can choose the slow, even paced collection of vp. About 20 vp each day get us an extra set of draws at the Daily Grand drawing. That's doing the Daily's and then earning 10 more vp by doing one more activity, like a review, a rating, a mailer, etc. In return we eventually get to the end of the month with our goal status, if low enough, and we've increased our chance at wining the Daily Grand. Our sponsors can watch our ledger and see us near our goal, but he has to wait to the end of our climb before he can safely rely on that 100, 150, or 200 etc. VP for leadership.
Our other option is to have our 2000 vp Standing Order come due on the first or second of the month, earn our EA2 the first day, and then work the rest of the month earning BTL. We have the whole month to refer ECAs, help our PSAs and CSAs, sponsor more, get more ads in and in general, do what can be done to advance. And our sponsor will know that h3e has secured his leadership vp for the month.
If we only aim for the top of the mountain, we will never reach the moon.
In order to be successful in any month, you must know what success entails for that month. In your first month success was merely to earn your EA. In your second month, your success was to earn your EA2. This is not a lateral promotion because there was much more effort in searching out was to earn that EA@ as opposed to the road map that your To Do Map provides.
For the third month you must make real decisions and set several goals in order to reach a third month success. Will you go