What kind of rewards have proven to be the most effective for you for getting inactive affiliates active?
To me the best is giving away TCredits. It is a good incentive because once they start to use it for buying, they'll be gaining VPs right away. If they go into Bidding they would gain more because each TC is equivalent to 5 MRPs. In the process it's like hitting two birds with one stone because they can also use those MRPs to buy other stuff from TripleClicks, like TCs too. This is like a win-win process. The affiliate gets to learn the very aspect of the TripleClicks business in itself and can very well articulate the strategy with the downlines. Let's be realistic about things. Here in this business, the more members buy the better for everybody. Make know mistake though, it's not all buying here. There's more to it than that as we all know.
What kind of rewards have proven to be the most effective for you for getting inactive affiliates active?
To me the best is giving away TCredits. It is a good incentive because once they start to use it for buying, they'll be gaining VPs right away. If they go into Bidding they would gain more because each TC is equivalent to 5 MRPs. In the process it's like hitting two birds with one stone because they can also use those MRPs to buy other stuff from TripleClicks, like TCs too. This ...more