I agree with many of the thing said already. But to summarize:
1. SFI email should be whitelisted (so shoud your email but never sure) so it is more likely to get through with out being trashed as spam.
2. Personal email allows links. I often send new people links to get them qualified quickly.
3. New people know how their own email works but may not be looking at the mail link in SFI.
4. I use email to build personal connection, personal information. I use team mail for specific work actions.
5. In the end I am glad we have both, both have their usefulness.
I agree with many of the thing said already. But to summarize:
1. SFI email should be whitelisted (so shoud your email but never sure) so it is more likely to get through with out being trashed as spam.
2. Personal email allows links. I often send new people links to get them qualified quickly.
3. New people know how their own email works but may not be looking at the mail link in SFI.
4. I use email to build personal connection, personal information. I use team mail for specific ...more