The best way to encourage your affiliates to set up a standing order is to set one up for yourself. The IAHBE is the perfect standing order that will always guarantee you the EA status that allows you to maintain your CSA's.
Email or talk to your downline and impress upon them the importance of building a strong downline that supports our company. When SFI does well, we ALL do well with our executive pool. I always try to explain to my team that an IAHBE investment is not only a source of valuable information, but a tax write off. Same with the co-ops that are on Triple Clicks. Buying those on standing orders not only give you regular VP, but also serves as an outstanding tax write-off!
The best way to encourage your affiliates to set up a standing order is to set one up for yourself. The IAHBE is the perfect standing order that will always guarantee you the EA status that allows you to maintain your CSA's.
Email or talk to your downline and impress upon them the importance of building a strong downline that supports our company. When SFI does well, we ALL do well with our executive pool. I always try to explain to my team that an IAHBE investment is not only a source ...more