I believe we should treat both in the same manner. This question makes me think of retail establishments and their part-time and full-time employees. Full-time employees receive more benefits than the part-time employees, and at times this can make the part-time employees a little aggravated or upset. They believe they are being taken advantage of, and no one likes to be taken advantage of. For example, getting full timers off on the holidays and making part-timers work. Full timers are being paid for the holiday part-timers only being paid for the hours worked. Part-timers also have her hours cut in order to keep them from getting the benefits that full timers get. This can include insurance benefits, holiday pay 401(k) and other items such as these. So for these reasons I find it necessary to ensure both received the same benefits. In order to keep profitability high, we must keep a fair working environment for all.
I believe we should treat both in the same manner. This question makes me think of retail establishments and their part-time and full-time employees. Full-time employees receive more benefits than the part-time employees, and at times this can make the part-time employees a little aggravated or upset. They believe they are being taken advantage of, and no one likes to be taken advantage of. For example, getting full timers off on the holidays and making part-timers work. Full timers are being paid ...more