January, February, March 2016, with the system SFI. Critical assessment of where I am, and what to do next. My assessment, analysis that I have furnished the basic skills and that my work does not have a business plan which would be followed by the results. So it's up to me to do, create a business plan according to which I can monitor the results and take action towards the goal.
1. Consistently meet daily, weekly and monthly tasks. There is emphasis on understanding the functions and immediate finding answers to open questions. The worst thing is that clicks only getting VP points without reading, the reading and comprehension tasks.
2. ASK SC Forum and a wealth of knowledge and it is necessary to benefit. When searching for and reading the comments we get answers, ideas, comparisons with our personal understanding of the measures to achieve the objectives. Archive and again come back to the topic that you are interested in, are useful.
3. The sponsor is the goal of my progress. Working with me is his priority. Vspostaviti contact on realistic and self-relations. Be aware that tomorrow I'll sponsor a new member.
4. Arrangements e-mail settings, drawers. At the start, the basic settings for incoming e-mail, then set filters, archives, directories, a system that would enable us to review and manage messages.
5. Preparation of advertising. On the PC desktop, Edit, and Maintain transparency archives files. Preparing texts, advertisements, monitor the response. Well decorated office, information and analytics allow us to balance our work. Do not forget to backup. Supplement or learn to use the software related to advertising. Supplement or add addresses for advertising.
6. Preparation for the reception and accommodation of new members of the PSA and CSA. It is very important that we have arranged reception and the installation program to work, a reception for new guests. Welcome and animation. Tracking activities of individuals and groups. When guests rang the bell at our reception, they expect service and supply.
7. Activation of advertising, attracting new members. Budget choice tests, the art of advertising. Law responsiveness, and measurement of the effectiveness of our advertising. 1001 story. Carefully and critically monitor the response. Do I like an elephant in a china house, or my voice is not heard from the choir. Personal approach, phone advertising, indirectly, on other media, all have in common activity while adapting to the market. Let's be innovative.
8 guests have arrived. Reception, accommodation, menus, activities, additional services, animation, everything runs according to the program, Volume praise and complaints is open.
9. The measurability of our work is the profit and loss account. Good preparation and consistent implementation ensures success. At points, from 1 to 6 my current activity. Thoroughly prepare in point 7. Point 8, the aim of this business plan. Point 9 is the result of a new business plan.
10. The chain of hotels.
January, February, March 2016, with the system SFI. Critical assessment of where I am, and what to do next. My assessment, analysis that I have furnished the basic skills and that my work does not have a business plan which would be followed by the results. So it's up to me to do, create a business plan according to which I can monitor the results and take action towards the goal.
1. Consistently meet daily, weekly and monthly tasks. There is emphasis on understanding the functions and immediate