Is that always an excuse blaming the economy? When we fail the first thing we do is blame the economy or others. What part of the world do you live? I am not asking you this in a bad way but to look around your surrounding.
People have money they just don’t know their priorities, Look restaurants always packed with people, stadiums, concerts, movie theaters, shopping malls, to mention a few, the revenue is by millions, the economy didn’t stop them form going to these places right ?.
Yet when it comes on one thing that will shape up our future life we have no money to invest or buy and sell the products and instead we blame the economy.
Even the ones always say they have no money and complain own one of the expensive smart phones and gadgets.
So no discouragement on that part, instead emphasize, if they have that kind of frame of mind to snap out of it, there is always some kind of problem around the world at any give time and things never getting better if we depend on some out come, but we are the only
One can change ourselves, no one will do it for us.
Remember even if the economy rebound, and everything become normal our living standard will not change by that much because the cost of living also rise up respectively, so we will be in the same boat.
Learn priorities, budget to invest in the business, what they built now will be economy proof
For years to come.
Tell them to look further, what it means to their future and family, make them to recognize where they were five years ago, and where they are now, and if they continue the way they are, where they going to be in the next five years, if there is no change or gotten worse, I think it is time for them to wake up and face the reality.
Don’t be dragged by negative attitude, stay and think positive, only your thought and approach either direction change their attitude and outlook as well.
Put blaming the economy behind and march in to the future.
Is that always an excuse blaming the economy? When we fail the first thing we do is blame the economy or others. What part of the world do you live? I am not asking you this in a bad way but to look around your surrounding.
People have money they just don’t know their priorities, Look restaurants always packed with people, stadiums, concerts, movie theaters, shopping malls, to mention a few, the revenue is by millions, the economy didn’t stop them form going to these places right