I don't understand why you are singling out the cost of products at TripleClinks, blaming world economics, and allowing your affiliate to be discouraged.Your affiliates are affected by world economy every place they shop.
World economics is a very big subject. Every single manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, vendor, consumer, laborer, advertising venue, supplier, utility provider , and every other provider has a part in shaping world economics. Your affiliates are affected by world economy every place they shop.
Yes, there are also micro-climates in economy, too. Some countries can produce goods at very low cost. Some countries pay more for the raw materials, labor, real estate or rent, and therefore need to sell at higher prices. Some countries have very expensive shipping costs.
The prices at TripleClicks are set by the ECAs. These people know what they pay for their goods, and they know how much of a profit they need to get in order to make a living and to stay in business. The ECAs mostly are doing that. Pricing so they will make some profit. If they go too high, then you need to contact them to be more in line with their price. They may be doing their math incorrectly. Give them some sane suggestions. Some seem afraid to ask for any profit. They will not be in business for long. Remember, they are not in business to do us a favor greater than providing us with a place to earn VP when we buy what we need. They must make some money or they fold and get a job.
Teach your affiliates a little about supply and demand and world economics and ask them to start an ECA store themselves. Really get them thinking about the whole process.
I don't understand why you are singling out the cost of products at TripleClinks, blaming world economics, and allowing your affiliate to be discouraged.Your affiliates are affected by world economy every place they shop.
World economics is a very big subject. Every single manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, vendor, consumer, laborer, advertising venue, supplier, utility provider , and every other provider has a part in shaping world economics. Your affiliates are affected by world economy