How do we know we will be successful? We don't when we start out, but confidence, persistence and belief will carry us along. What we have to watch out for is complacency. That is when we think we have it made and things are going well we slack off. That is when you really need to buckle down and put out more ads, do more prospecting, handing out cards and talking to people.
SFI is structured so that we can tell people about our small accomplishments and gains frequently. This helps us build momentum for ourselves and our friends. They like to hear when something good has happened to us.
When we stop being excited and letting people know about these achievements and rewards, that is when we fall off the path to success. Success is in the eye of the beholder and worker. It can mean different things to different people. We all succeed if we show up for work every day and do the dailies, spend quality time advertising and working the advertising like a business by tracking and tweeking our ads constantly.
Staying on the path to success is what makes success possible.
How do we know we will be successful? We don't when we start out, but confidence, persistence and belief will carry us along. What we have to watch out for is complacency. That is when we think we have it made and things are going well we slack off. That is when you really need to buckle down and put out more ads, do more prospecting, handing out cards and talking to people.
SFI is structured so that we can tell people about our small accomplishments and gains frequently. This helps us ...more