- Participate in the SFI Pay As Go affiliate program. This scheme gives you affiliates unlimited, as long as you have the financial resources.
- Buy share of the S-Builder to build you team. Make a standing order of it and you get a lot of affiliates in your team.
- Pricebenders bid for PSAs and CSAs. You can bid and win up to 100 PSAs or/and PSAs in the process. Know the rules and bid to win. Your team will be large.
- Other methods to build is by recruiting affiliates into your team through self advert or purchase from other ECAs.
You can have a large team but that those not mean you have a high percentage of success with the team. It is a matter of luck.
The fastest way is as follow:
- Participate in the SFI Pay As Go affiliate program. This scheme gives you affiliates unlimited, as long as you have the financial resources.
- Buy share of the S-Builder to build you team. Make a standing order of it and you get a lot of affiliates in your team.
- Pricebenders bid for PSAs and CSAs. You can bid and win up to 100 PSAs or/and PSAs in the process. Know the rules and bid to win. Your team will be large.