There is no such option we have here. Both are very important in their own way. In fact, we have to try every available opportunity and see that we succeed.
1. Team Building:
a) Team building should be a continuous process.
b) There is no guarantee that every one in the team both active and inactive will stick & stay here for a long time as every affiliate has his/her own priorities in life which can keep changing.
c) If we just depend on certain team members, soon we will face a stagnation point and it will only de-motivate the Sponsors.
d) Hence, we should continuously keep recruiting and building the Team.
e) There is no guarantee that the new affiliates thus created afresh will stay active. The nature of this business is such that we should keep infusing fresh blood in our Team. At the same time, should try and keep the existing active members in tact with regular communication and constant encouragement and support.
f) The existing active members should be motivated very regularly and should help them to grow and advance from one level to another. In fact, the Sponsors should walk the extra mile to ensure this. This is quite necessary in current situations.
g) When we help them grow and succeed, naturally we too will grow and succeed. There will be constant flow of income to every performer in the Team.
h) But, still there is uncertainty here. The main reason is, we do not know when the performing affiliate will call it quits due to their own personal reasons on which we have no control at all.
i) The income that we can earn regularly is possible only when we continuously keep recruiting and building a strong team of active affiliates who duplicate our efforts.
2. Selling TripleClicks Products:
a) This is the best possible opportunity provided by SFI that can result in unlimited income for people who are smart in sales and have wide contacts.
b) TripleClicks keeps adding more and more wide range of products almost on a daily basis which has high utility value.
c) These products are any way bought by you, me and every one for the sake of the family. Why not we buy them from TripleClicks? Why don’t we promote them exclusively among our Family members, relatives, friends, co-workers, neighbor hood people, known contacts, etc.?
d) When we do on a monthly basis, the income that we can generate will be highly satisfying.
e) When we create more and more Personally Referred Members (PRM) who buy their regular requirements from TripleClicks we stand to earn good income along with applicable VersaPoints.
f) Same way, when we refer Companies that have attractive products become ECAs of TripleClicks we stand to gain a lot of income.
g) We can even buy some of our family’s monthly requirements from TripleClicks. By doing it, we have advantages like, Meeting our Family requirement, Earning VersaPoints, etc. We need not spend that extra money to meet our Monthly VersaPoint requirement or the same can be kept at minimum.
h) Selling TripleClicks products extensively, on a monthly basis is where we can earn very good income. How soon we do it will determine how quick we can earn a good income!