What are some good ways to use the new TC Product Collections to generate sales?
The right offer can increase your response up to 300%. Yet few businesses ever go beyond a token effort of making “some sort of offer.” Most people wrongly assume that their buyers already know it all, or aren’t interested in reading lots of words. In truth your prospects crave as much information as possible so they can make an informed purchase decision. By “packaging” your expertise into a special booklet, report or seminar and offering it as an inducement to get your prospects to contact you, you can bring prospects out of the woodwork in droves whilst simultaneously establishing your expertise and at the same time educating and informing the very people who are most interested in making a purchasing decision … which increases the probability that you’ll get the sale.
No one buys a chain link by link. People either buy the whole chain or they don’t. It is the same with converting business. If you show the customer all the steps in a sale and he or she agrees to the first step, the customer has bought the chain … unless you break it. You show the chain, make it clear how the phases in the sale are linked—from first agreement to purchase order—and then sell the first link … which is attached to the last link. Sell the first link and you sell the chain.
If either your product or your proposal are weak, your chances of a sale are slim to non-existent. If you normally send out single page “quotes,” you’re asking your buyers to make a leap of faith when they buy from you because they really have no idea if they’ll be getting a great service or a lousy one … and you’re inviting comparison with your competitors. If you focus instead on educating your buyers to understand the true value of your product or service by explaining how it solves their major concerns, telling them exactly what you do for them at each step, they know it’ll be great. This will help you to win more tenders, charge what you’re truly worth and increase your conversion rate.
What are some good ways to use the new TC Product Collections to generate sales?
The right offer can increase your response up to 300%. Yet few businesses ever go beyond a token effort of making “some sort of offer.” Most people wrongly assume that their buyers already know it all, or aren’t interested in reading lots of words. In truth your prospects crave as much information as possible so they can make an informed purchase decision. By “packaging” your expertise into a special ...more