The CSA rewards program is a good topic for a regular team mail. Sending it would be the same as sending an effective team letter.
A good message would be convincing enough to motivate your PSA's to qualify for the rewards.
Mention the value of CSA's in building a team and in generating income.
Compare the rewards with the costs of buying CSA's.
Identify some main and free ways to qualify for the rewards and place a link to the SFI information page.
For example:
Setting up standing orders:
10 CSA's for a 1500VP standing order
12 CSA's for a 2000VP standing order
20 CSA's for a 3000VP
Mention the:
-The Team Leader ranks and the number of CSA's per rank.
-The Fast Track members and the number of CSA's
-The EA Streak
-The Daily Streak
For new affiliates you would want to mention the 365 Challenge share in your first letter.
Be prepared to send the message at specific times after a PSA signs up.
You may also need to remind your workers from time to time about certain qualifying achievement that apply to them.
The CSA rewards program is a good topic for a regular team mail. Sending it would be the same as sending an effective team letter.
A good message would be convincing enough to motivate your PSA's to qualify for the rewards.
Mention the value of CSA's in building a team and in generating income.
Compare the rewards with the costs of buying CSA's.
Identify some main and free ways to qualify for the rewards and place a link to the SFI information page.