This is a very good question and a very crucial topic. I wish there was a sort of formula somewhere we all could successfully use. Unfortunately there isn't, therefore the only thing we can do is trying our best.
Clearly most of the people that join SFI believe that by sitting in front of a computer they'll just start earning tons of money. We all know that won't ever happen.
This is what I do with my inactive PSAs and CSAs:
I send them sincere emails on what SFI truly is: a big opportunity that no one would give you for free.
I list all the instruments and means that SFI put at our disposal, again for free, to set up our online business and earn money with it.
I ask them a simple question: what are your expectations? be average or stand out? If you want to stand out, that's your chance: grab it!
I put their attention on the differences between opening up a "regular" (meaning not online) business and SFI focusing on the pros of the latter, underlying the fact that SFI is definitely less risky.
I tell them what I do daily to get my goals and what I have achieved so far.
I send them a link of some websites that talk positively about SFI, websites with testimonials.
In my opinion that's the only path we can take. We cannot oblige anyone to believe in SFI and its potentiality. We can only try to transfer our positivity about it to them.
I wish you great success!
This is a very good question and a very crucial topic. I wish there was a sort of formula somewhere we all could successfully use. Unfortunately there isn't, therefore the only thing we can do is trying our best.
Clearly most of the people that join SFI believe that by sitting in front of a computer they'll just start earning tons of money. We all know that won't ever happen.
This is what I do with my inactive PSAs and CSAs:
I send them sincere emails on what SFI truly is: