I would suggest you just try to translate some english sentences into non-english language you know and check whether it gives the same meaning. If satisfied then you suggest the use of Google translate to the persons of 'that' language. What I observed is Google translate is horrible with many languages particularly Indian languages because the style of sentence construction in different languages is very different . Hence word to word translation does not work there and worsens the situation.
Hence I would suggest just check out yourself before recommending it to others.
2) You can recommend your affiliates to become a2a friends with the other active members of their language .They may use Country power rank board for finding people of their language.
I would suggest you just try to translate some english sentences into non-english language you know and check whether it gives the same meaning. If satisfied then you suggest the use of Google translate to the persons of 'that' language. What I observed is Google translate is horrible with many languages particularly Indian languages because the style of sentence construction in different languages is very different . Hence word to word translation ...more