This is very important question to increase SFI business...
As a sponsor, we should take prime responsibility to teach team affiliates that they have taken right decision to join SFI.
Affiliates to be guided for importance of Social Media for gain of any business.
They should be remember that they can promote SFI & SFI Gateway to their colleagues s, friends & relatives which can help to grow your rank & wealth.
Affiliate can make a group in social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, WordPress, Whatsapp of their near & dears & post all important features & joining benefits in group.
This can be very fruitful increasing reach market share of SFI as well as affiliate's promotion on prestigious social media which can make anything to ZERO To HERO.
This will helpful to train affiliate on social media & which will overall beneficial to SFI Affiliate Program.
This is very important question to increase SFI business...
As a sponsor, we should take prime responsibility to teach team affiliates that they have taken right decision to join SFI.
Affiliates to be guided for importance of Social Media for gain of any business.
They should be remember that they can promote SFI & SFI Gateway to their colleagues s, friends & relatives which can help to grow your rank & wealth.
Affiliate can make a group in social media such ...more