In order to do this you need to understand how to make the vehicle go faster. We do this normally by pressing the gas pedal more. In SFI that equates to sponsoring more people and selling more TripleClicks products. Remember, nobody anywhere earns money unless we sell products and services. TripleClicks is YOUR store and means of earning money.
PSA's and CSA's can kind of be viewed as sales reps if you think about it. So the more of these you get it usually means they will sell for you. This is the whole idea behind network marketing. Everyone sells products and services and shares in the profits.
Normally, this type of business is built a little at a time over a period of time, let's say 5 years depending on what you do. However, I am aware of people reaching Diamond much faster. Which means they very well could have just had a lot of money to spend in advertising to get a lot of PSA's. That's one thing that will escalate your business very quickly.
Remember, more points = bigger payouts. Check the benefits chart here
You will also need a minimum of 5 first-level PTL's (Platinum Team Leaders).
In order to do this you need to understand how to make the vehicle go faster. We do this normally by pressing the gas pedal more. In SFI that equates to sponsoring more people and selling more TripleClicks products. Remember, nobody anywhere earns money unless we sell products and services. TripleClicks is YOUR store and means of earning money.
PSA's and CSA's can kind of be viewed as sales reps if you think about it. So the more of these you get it usually means they will sell for you. ...more