Speaking English is certainly helpful but not speaking it should not rob one of an opportunity!
It is understandable that in most areas of work, speaking the official language of that industry or organisation is important, in order to ensure that mistakes or accidents do not happen as a result of misunderstanding or communicating the wrong message.
However, SFI is largely an Internet based program, where the affiliates are free to learn at their own pace. Language should not be a barrier because although the website is in English, there is also a translation tool for many other languages. The key word here is “understand.” That is as long one can translate and understand, one can adequately establish a working platform.
Last year, SFI introduced a system in which one could swap CSAs from his or her team who are from other languages/countries for those from his or her language/country. The idea is not merely aimed at getting rid of your inactive CSAs but also helps to narrow down the communication problems by placing the CSAs under a under Co-sponsor who speaks the same language.
In addition it is also possible for you to re-assign affiliates in your team to other PSAs under you. So if you have active PSAs in your team who are multi-lingual, you can re-assign the non-English speaking PSAs to them depending on the languages spoken.
Overall, when you advertise, you will be reaching people from all parts of the world and language should not hinder you from making progress
Speaking English is certainly helpful but not speaking it should not rob one of an opportunity!
It is understandable that in most areas of work, speaking the official language of that industry or organisation is important, in order to ensure that mistakes or accidents do not happen as a result of misunderstanding or communicating the wrong message.
However, SFI is largely an Internet based program, where the affiliates are free to learn at their own pace. Language should not