There are so many products that we all buy month after month, in order to cater to our Family consumption.
By buying them from TripleClicks, we score 2 mangoes with one stone. How?
1. Our family consumption is met;
2. Our VP requirement gets fulfilled without any additional expenditure;
Since we talk about Transfer Buying & Family monthly requirement, I would suggest the following which you can find under:
1. Food & Beverage:
- Mango Tea
- HerbaGreen;
- Honey Lemon Tea
- Deep Sleep System
- Purjava Honduran Dark Roast
- 3 Roses Tea
- Chilly Powder
- Turmeric
- Ginger
- Organic Salt
- Chutney Powder
- Mustard Seeds
- Sambar Powder
- Coriander Powder
- Agmark Honey
- Moringa
- Roasted Moong Jor
- Green Cardamom
- Rice
- Masala Black Tea
- Herbal Tea
- Lemon Tea Bags
This List goes on and on...
2. Personal Care & Beauty:
- Dental Peeling Stick
- Make Up Cosmetics - various varieties
- Body Lotion
- Hand Bags
Like these, if you browse through the Various Departments, you will find so many items which we all buy from our local stores every month.
Through search filters, you can narrow down to ECAs that sell these products in your Country/Region/Local Area. Once you identify such a source there, you can try and buy all your monthly requirements from them.
The advantages will be: Quick Delivery; No Delivery Charges, etc.
Please go through all the products - Department wise, choose your family requirements, look for a local ECA and place your order. Once you are satisfied, you can create a Standing Order for your regular requirement.
Once you feel satisfied, you can also share the information with your friends and family members and others in your local area which can lead to creation of more Personally Referred Members & more earnings for you!!
There are so many products that we all buy month after month, in order to cater to our Family consumption.
By buying them from TripleClicks, we score 2 mangoes with one stone. How?
1. Our family consumption is met;
2. Our VP requirement gets fulfilled without any additional expenditure;
Since we talk about Transfer Buying & Family monthly requirement, I would suggest the following which you can find under:
1. Food & Beverage: