Communicating adequately is one of the most powerful ways.
1. Utilize every resource in SFI available to you for communicating. Such as: SFI messaging, SFI chat, Ecards and anything else that SFI might develop.
2. Have a Skype phone, Google or something similar that you can contact your members by phone. Don't be afraid to take up the phone and call them. This is a personal touch that no amount of emails can touch.
3. Text them if you have a cell phone and they have given you permission. This is great for tips and idea transfers.
4. Email them directly.
5. If you can afford it, and have a group run a webinar that you can brainstorm ideas together.
Think outside the box as much as possible. Imagination is a powerful tool in building a business.
1. Establish a radio station where all of the members can participate in advertising products and their SFI agenda.
2. Develop a group website giving each member a page, where they can place their ads and blogs.
3. Set up a system where each person has the opportunity to get back up for sales from someone else such as a testimonial. For instance: You are helping a member establish an ECA. Be willing to contact the potential TCECA and add your testimonial to your member's sales presentation.
4. When you have a group, each person has an expertise that they can contribute. It might be in knowing people of influence, being able to translate ads and other materials into a language that their audience or country will respond to or something else that can benefit everyone.
5. Members can assist each other by going to the websites of the individuals in the group, and looking for areas that can be improved or if changed would get more business. You can use each others websites for back links and SEO purposes.
6. Cooperate on advertising. Each member can set up a coop and every other member of the group could join in the coop drastically increasing the number of PSA's and PRM's for the entire group.
6. Send each other tips and information that will benefit the entire groups bottom line. We are all connected through TC. If you run across an item that would sell well for an ECA in a different country than yours, let one of the members closer to that country know about it.
7. Perhaps you could set up a purchasing cooperative that would allow all of your members to have an ECA and purchase through the group. For instance, there are pallet sales available, one member could buy a pallet of one item, and another member a different pallet, and then both could advertise both products in different countries and each drop ship to the other members customer.
8. Work together on selling the same item of one member. Then when the member gets sales, it might be possible for them to ship several sales to one of the other members cheaper than shipping one at a time. Then the other member could send it on to the customer less expensively in their own shipping area.
Some of these ideas may be so far out as to not be feasible, but when brainstorming as I did here, a group will come up with ideas well worth pursuing. If not in the same way as presented, but the basis for another way will be presented or the ideas presented will spark an idea that will be useful.
Communicating adequately is one of the most powerful ways.
1. Utilize every resource in SFI available to you for communicating. Such as: SFI messaging, SFI chat, Ecards and anything else that SFI might develop.
2. Have a Skype phone, Google or something similar that you can contact your members by phone. Don't be afraid to take up the phone and call them. This is a personal touch that no amount of emails can touch.
3. Text them if you have a cell phone and they have