Good day Sonja,
This is a very nice question and i do hope based on my experience, I would be able to assist you in strengthening your team.
As a team leader or good sponsor, we lead by example. Leading by example, is one of the Rules of Success. For instance like having a Standing Order which is t credits that I get 1500 versa points. I let them know that with a minimum of 1500 versa points Standing Order, that they will get 100 versa points as bonus. The badge is usually displayed on your leadership page.With that, they will believe you.
Also, as a good team leader, I must log in daily to do my Daily, Weekly and Monthly Tasks. This contributes to the growth of your business. On your Homepage, the number of days one logs on is being displayed. Likewise, as good sponsors, we would let our PSAs/CSAs that with little drops attending to our Daily, Weekly and Monthly Tasks, can help them in building their ranks amd give them prestigious badges on their Homepage.
Also, as an awesome sponsor and leading by example, I will encourage my downlines by Praising them when they win in the Daily Grand, achieve certain milestone in their business or when they log on regularly as a sign of seriousness. This will make PSAs/CSAs have a sense of belonging and would motivate them.
Another way to be a good Team Leader is by sending your team weekly mails showing them tips and ideas how to be successful and grow their team. Always give room for questions they might have and ensure they get response within the shortest possible time to build their confidence and trust in you.
As a good Team Leader, we can also share our web of knowledge by answering AskSc questions, asking questions to help not just your immediate Team members, but also other affilates on SFI.This alone, displays your good leadership skills.
Also, to be an awesome sponsor, we can encourage our hardworking affiliates in the team by transfering affiliates to build their own team, Award Gift certificate to make purchases on tripleclicks and T credits to play any Eager Zebra games. This character displays good leadership skills and gives your Team members a sense of belonging as they know their Team Leader is being supportive.
Remember as the saying goes, seeing is believing. As good sponsors, we need to encourage and motivate them and with that, they can also duplicate your actions. Work with the workers, encourage and motivate them and you will get nothing but the best.
Hope I was able to help
Good day Sonja,
This is a very nice question and i do hope based on my experience, I would be able to assist you in strengthening your team.
As a team leader or good sponsor, we lead by example. Leading by example, is one of the Rules of Success. For instance like having a Standing Order which is t credits that I get 1500 versa points. I let them know that with a minimum of 1500 versa points Standing Order, that they will get 100 versa points as bonus. The badge is usually