"What can/should I do differently in 2016 to see that my affiliates become active in SFI?
As a Team Leader, you have begin to think outside the box to be apply on SFI affiliate by devising marketing strategy- design your business card. Effective Communication is vital to SFI affiliate, communicating or sharing marketing tips very important that will keep them coming for more posting at the leadership board. Tell them to get register in all media marketing such as Facebook, Twitter,Whatsapp, linkedIn.
Apply the Art of motivation and thing like a technocrat by being creative. some of this SFI, some are following, some are dropping or falling by the road side as they commence climbing, that's mean they had challenges. so what can you do as good Team Leader..share some portion of TCredit, award VersaPoints to them through their SF ID number. Distribute/share a gift card to your SFI affiliate or award cash like $2,$3,$4, $5,$6 etc.
"What can/should I do differently in 2016 to see that my affiliates become active in SFI?
As a Team Leader, you have begin to think outside the box to be apply on SFI affiliate by devising marketing strategy- design your business card. Effective Communication is vital to SFI affiliate, communicating or sharing marketing tips very important that will keep them coming for more posting at the leadership board. Tell them to get register in all media marketing such ...more