The Milestone Shares is designed to encourage all affiliates to stay active in their growth-promoting activities and to accumulate as much VersaPoints as they can to qualify for their next milestone starting with the rank of BTL.
How to make sure that your affiliates know about and understand the value of the new Milestone Shares? Do the following steps:
- Familiarize yourself by reading about the Milestone Shares carefully and digesting it. By doing this you'll be able to explain clearly and comprehensibly to your affiliates about the Milestone Shares and also be ready to answer their inquiries.
- To illustrate clearly how the Milestone Shares work, provide an example to get them excited. The Q & A section of the Milestone Shares news page contains a specific example how the Milestone Shares are implemented. It also contains frequently asked questions that your affiliates might have in mind relating to the Milestone Shares.
- Be an example yourself. Maximize your activities in accumulating VPs and fulfill the other requirements such as Leadership page maintenance and at least one first level EA2 needed to reach a milestone starting with BTL.
- Make a series of your group support messages about the Milestone Shares giving your affiliates tips and advice how they can advance and reach for their milestones in a reasonable way.
- You can emphasize to them that Milestone Shares are banked only on their personal VP earned. The more VP they earn, the more Milestone Shares they receive.
- Create a sense of urgency by informing your affiliates that Milestone Shares expires after one year. This is for their advantage to have their focus concentrated towards advancing to their milestone and be able to reap the benefits of their Milestone Shares before they expire.
- Make sure that you let them know where to find the latest information about their Milestone Shares by directing them to their SFI homepage header and also in the My Earnings panel on their Scoreboard tab.
- Make known to your affiliates that you're going for the maximum 18 Milestone Shares by intensifying your level of growth-promoting activities in your SFI business especially in regards to your TL rank.
- Direct them to the Milestone Shares news by sharing to them the link:
If you follow the above steps, you've done your part of making sure that your affiliates are informed about the new Milestone Shares and its value.
The Milestone Shares is designed to encourage all affiliates to stay active in their growth-promoting activities and to accumulate as much VersaPoints as they can to qualify for their next milestone starting with the rank of BTL.
How to make sure that your affiliates know about and understand the value of the new Milestone Shares? Do the following steps:
- Familiarize yourself by reading about the Milestone Shares carefully and digesting it. By doing this you'll be able to explain