Before you can help our affiliates understand the value of the new Milestone Shares, we have to read, study in depth and understand the concept first. We cannot give something we don’t have or share something we don’t know.
Understand that for every 10 personal VP we earn, we can now bank up to 18 bonus shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool; paid to us upon reaching each of the five Team Leader ranks!
The bottom line is the higher our VersaPoints and rank, the higher our Milestone Shares!
Before you can help our affiliates understand the value of the new Milestone Shares, we have to read, study in depth and understand the concept first. We cannot give something we don’t have or share something we don’t know.
Understand that for every 10 personal VP we earn, we can now bank up to 18 bonus shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool; paid to us upon reaching each of the five Team Leader ranks!
The bottom line is the higher our VersaPoints and rank, the higher ...more