For sure I will learn to advertise for my own PSAs , PRMs, and TC products, auctions, games, and the music contest. I will no longer depend on others doing that for me. I want to improve the chance of recruiting active new affiliates.
I will treat my ECA business like a real business through professional service and by advertising it on its own merits as well as being part of the global mall of TC.
I will commit to buying, not just TCredits, but also many products that I would normally use.
I will also look for ebooks, blogs, real books, and other information from TC, online, libraries, and stores that will increase my knowledge of advertising,sales, marketing, and running an online business.
Because our emphasis is now on an active team instead of scratching for AVPs, I will do all I can towards training, advising, and leading my DDs and other team members.
This year I will change my tactics from minimal investments of time and money to putting in what it takes. I know that I can find the time,money, and energy to do this by sorting and rearranging my daily activities.
I will also try to complete my VP gathering early in the month and encourage my team to do the in order to avoid end of the month stress and disasters, and to help my sponsor plan his activities.
For sure I will learn to advertise for my own PSAs , PRMs, and TC products, auctions, games, and the music contest. I will no longer depend on others doing that for me. I want to improve the chance of recruiting active new affiliates.
I will treat my ECA business like a real business through professional service and by advertising it on its own merits as well as being part of the global mall of TC.
I will commit to buying, not just TCredits, but also many products that I would