Having no funds to invest makes SFI more challenging. Many of us don't have funds, so here are some suggestions.
1. Write affirmations using all of the methods available in SFI. Stream, chat, message, and ecards.
2. Place some free advertisements for your members using their ID instead of yours.
3. Set up a coop for your standing order, and place them in your coop so they get signups. You can service their signups even if they are in your 2nd level if your PSA doesn't follow through for you.
4. Send them informative messages.
5. Help them with ECA set ups. Encourage them to set up and ECA for themselves and anyone else they can. Having an ECA both their own ECA and other people's ECA helps them to stay more involved and interested. Gives them some DC income.
6. Reassign members to them even if they are inactive. Try to match them to their language and region. If you have active members you can reassign, you don't lose them, you can continue to work with them. I do it through my PSA by sending copies of everything I do for his PSA, and getting his permission. That helps to keep both of them involved, especially if they are new to SFI.
Having no funds to invest makes SFI more challenging. Many of us don't have funds, so here are some suggestions.
1. Write affirmations using all of the methods available in SFI. Stream, chat, message, and ecards.
2. Place some free advertisements for your members using their ID instead of yours.
3. Set up a coop for your standing order, and place them in your coop so they get signups. You can service their signups even if they are in your 2nd level if your PSA doesn't