The components of a great advertisement when marketing TripleClicks products are exactly the same components as advertisements for any other product you want to market.
For TripleClicks however, whether we are advertising and promoting online or offline, we need to be very conscious and deliberate on what we say, on our message, and the image that we want to portray. We want people to immediately notice our professionalism and that we are passionate about our business.
Never be casual, off handed or nonchalant about it. SFI/TripleClicks is a serious business and it deserves to be treated as such.
Whether we are advertising on the internet, sending out flyers, advertising on your local newspapers or talking to people about TripleClicks, there is one thing that we can be certain about – We are not the only ones promoting product or service, especially at this time of the year. Many other businesses are doing the same.
If our message is to be seen and heard and acted upon, we have to be innovative, we have to be consistent, we have to be determined and persevere.
The design and structure of the ads are important and so are the usage of photographs and colours but I believe that if the wordings of the ads are poor or incorrect your advertising campaign is doomed to fail.
The components of a great advertisement – how it is structured and worded are vital.
People nowadays always seem to be in a hurry. They don’t have time to read or listen. People don’t really read the newspapers anymore; they skim them, as we all do with internet articles. What this means is that we need to keep your advertisements brief. Don’t have long winded and wordy advertisements.
Make sure that you have the following 4 components in all your ads and you should not fail.
1. An Attention Grabber. This is something or a statement (aided by photographs, clever design etc.. ) that would grab the readers / listeners / viewers attention. You want it to be powerful enough to create sufficient interest in the prospect to continue onto component 2.
2. Your Offer – Tell them briefly what you are offering eg “Run your own business from home” You can add value here – eg including reference to the ‘Signing Bonus’, that SFI is totally free etc..
3. Why they should have it – Tell then why you offer is of benefit to them. Why it is a solution for them. You can add a sense of urgency here ‘limited time only.’
4. A call to action. If they want your offer and its benefits, this is what they should be doing now. Tell them what to do. Do not suggest - Direct eg “go to www....and sign up.”
The whole idea is to grab their attention, tell them what your offer is and how it will benefit them and then direct them on what to do to take advantage of your offer.
If you get favourable reactions from any of your ads or promotions, get straight back at prospects immediately. Answer their queries immediately and follow up on all leads. Don’t wait ‘till later,’ respond immediately – strike while the ‘iron is hot.’
The components of a great advertisement when marketing TripleClicks products are exactly the same components as advertisements for any other product you want to market.
For TripleClicks however, whether we are advertising and promoting online or offline, we need to be very conscious and deliberate on what we say, on our message, and the image that we want to portray. We want people to immediately notice our professionalism and that we are passionate about our business.