I use the Stream as often as I can and there are so many things to post...
1. Every day I look at the "Quote of the Day" and if I feel it is relevant share it in the stream... Also search the web for inspirational quotes that you can keep up your sleeve and post them occasionally.
2. Every time one of my team re-qualifies I send them either an E-Card and or post a congratulations message on the stream, this allows other team members to see what's happening and inspires them to follow.
3. If a team member wins anything in the "Daily Draw" I post a congratulations to the stream, again this inspires other team members to enter.
4. Follow your up lines posts and your Co-Sponsors posts these may be worth reposting as they often contain valuable hints and tips.
5. Perhaps you have found something very helpful in the Forum or Ask SC that you can quickly post up to the stream.
Remember the stream is only for quick short messages so make sure you word them well and give as much impact as you can and you will find the Stream an amazing little tool...
I use the Stream as often as I can and there are so many things to post...
1. Every day I look at the "Quote of the Day" and if I feel it is relevant share it in the stream... Also search the web for inspirational quotes that you can keep up your sleeve and post them occasionally.
2. Every time one of my team re-qualifies I send them either an E-Card and or post a congratulations message on the stream, this allows other team members to see what's happening and inspires them ...more