Starting line of 2016 is fast approaching and before we ever get to the starting line it is important that we have our SFI plan in place. That is how I am going to re-energize with my SFI business. Based on the new changes in SFI, I will draw an exciting plan in place for 2016. I will reflect on what I did and didn’t do that maybe had caused why I did not achieve the SFI goal I had set for 2015. I will recall what obstacles I have encountered along the way as I tried 1) To develop active PSAs, CSAs, and ECAs; 2) To recruit PRMs; and 3) To generate TripleClicks sales.
I will review again and study in depth the LaunchPad lessons, Getting Started articles, Rules of Success, Internet Income Course, Ask SC questions and answers, Forum discussions, SFI News, Newsletters, etc. so that I will have a real clarity and confidence about what my next move should be to grow my SFI business for the new year.
Approaching my business with a new path of helping fellow affiliates ultimately reach the new level of success is enough reason for me to get re-energized with SFI for the coming new year.
Starting line of 2016 is fast approaching and before we ever get to the starting line it is important that we have our SFI plan in place. That is how I am going to re-energize with my SFI business. Based on the new changes in SFI, I will draw an exciting plan in place for 2016. I will reflect on what I did and didn’t do that maybe had caused why I did not achieve the SFI goal I had set for 2015. I will recall what obstacles I have encountered along the way as I tried 1) To develop active PSAs, ...more