A lot of the problems and situations we face in SFI is because our communication is not effective enough to render a response. For example if I ask you, "do you like SFI or TripleClicks", you will receive a one-word answer. This stops the conversation from progressing unless you ask another question: "why".
There are various ways of reaching out to your team members but in the Stream, it feels like there is an informal conversation and the responses are much faster than other means. Talk about your personal hobbies or other news within the business that others may have skipped. Notify your team of contests you have-it does not have to be detailed, a brief message will advise everyone and initiate a response.
There is no limit of the number of messages you can write in the Stream and this gives you a freedom to also use the Stream for recognition of your team members' performance.
A lot of the problems and situations we face in SFI is because our communication is not effective enough to render a response. For example if I ask you, "do you like SFI or TripleClicks", you will receive a one-word answer. This stops the conversation from progressing unless you ask another question: "why".
There are various ways of reaching out to your team members but in the Stream, it feels like there is an informal conversation and the responses are much faster ...more