Part our tasks, as sponsors, is to help our team members fully understand our status and the type of business relationship we have with SFI.
An SFI affiliate is a business owner.
Running a business will always have its ups and downs. The shop owner does notice when their monthly "Loss and Profit statement" is positive or negative. They will develop a strategy to improve their results. But they will not feel demoted as they are fully aware they are not anybody's employee.
The first provision of the SFI Affiliate Agreement states: "Affiliate agrees that an SFI Affiliate is an independent contractor and not an employee, agent, partner, legal representative, or franchisee of SFI. Affiliate may not portray him or herself as an employee or owner of SFI corporate, the SFI Affiliate Center, or any other SFI or TripleClicks subsidiary. Affiliate further agrees not to incur any debt, expense, obligation on behalf of, for, or in the name of SFI".
Thus, an affiliate's personal and business motivations as well as psychological emotions are expected to be opposite to those of an employee who may feel demoted if they loose a rank or a title.
The process of going through monthly rank re-qualification is meant to help us focused on taking action to build our businesses through sales sponsoring and duplication. On one given month, an affiliate may miss the requirements to regain their previous rank. But, if they properly understand their relationship with SFI, they should not feel demoted.
At present, one can buy his way to higher Team Leader ranks, up to Gold Team Leader (GTL) or even Platinum Team Leader (PTL), by accumulating enough Purchase and Action VersaPoints without having any Executive affiliate (EA), let alone a Bronze team leader (BTL) in their downline. Thus, if they have not made any TripleClicks sales directly or through their ECA/PRMs, they will not earn any commissions.
This is one of the aspects the new Team Leader qualifications that will take effect January 1, 2016 aim at correcting.
A savvy affiliate is the one who pays attention to his team composition, his sales activity, as well as how many ECAs and PRMs he has referred. These are the factors that directly affect his SFI income, not the rank his achieves as such, if he has not build a team.
This is the message sponsors should convey to their PSAs and CSAs: to focus their efforts on sponsoring, duplication and selling. As positive results are achieved in these areas, the ranks will fall into place.
Part our tasks, as sponsors, is to help our team members fully understand our status and the type of business relationship we have with SFI.
An SFI affiliate is a business owner.
Running a business will always have its ups and downs. The shop owner does notice when their monthly "Loss and Profit statement" is positive or negative. They will develop a strategy to improve their results. But they will not feel demoted as they are fully aware they are not anybody's employee.