My first payment, of course! I received my first payment from SFI towards the end of my third month at SFI.
But what, in particular, made me work hard to achieve that, trusting that I would likely get paid for my efforts?
1. The gateway that I used to sign up.
When I saw the gateway showing many new affiliates that had just signed up from many different countries, I wondered if that was real. After signing up I refreshed that page and my name was there too. I'm a little sad that this particular gateway is no longer in use, but there are many other good ones to use too.
2. The SFI testimonials
Were they real? Of course they were real! I confirmed this by seeing the same names active in the forum, names of people who responded to my questions in the forum or who commented on my posts in the forum.
3. Reading
Reading some reviews about SFI on considerably more than just one or two other sites, combined with the fact that the program had been running for over 17 years already.
My first payment, of course! I received my first payment from SFI towards the end of my third month at SFI.
But what, in particular, made me work hard to achieve that, trusting that I would likely get paid for my efforts?
1. The gateway that I used to sign up.
When I saw the gateway showing many new affiliates that had just signed up from many different countries, I wondered if that was real. After signing up I refreshed that page and my name was there too. I'm a ...more