I love this question! What good is a new biz if it is not fun too?
Always load up your Steam post with serious helpful posts written by you not
someone who is dead or unknown.They want help from their sponsor.
My welcome message and the followup message 4 days later encourage them
to read my Stream posts.I add a new message every day by posting one in the
comment section of Stream.
Add up to seven active members to one co-op.Advertise the co-op places where
you can post more than one link a day.Fund it by Tripleclicks ECA"s and PSAs to go
and S-Builder.
Just like a baby new referrals need encouragement the first week.Help them reach
EA that first month any way you can.
I love this question! What good is a new biz if it is not fun too?
Always load up your Steam post with serious helpful posts written by you not
someone who is dead or unknown.They want help from their sponsor.
My welcome message and the followup message 4 days later encourage them
to read my Stream posts.I add a new message every day by posting one in the
comment section of Stream.
Add up to seven active members to one co-op.Advertise the co-op ...more