Thanks for this question.
I studied so many articles on this subject by visiting many Blogs and Web sites and I am giving below some of the best tips I gathered which I follow to this date:
1. Start fresh every day. No point in thinking about what happened or not happened yesterday. Today
is a new day. Think with the spirit to move on. Attitude makes the difference.
2. Create your own Blog and keep introducing your products - stage by stage. Say how your product
is different from those that are available in the market. Keep providing useful tips & information.
3. Have an agenda and schedule to meet people every day.
4. Prepare and use your own Business Cards. Use them appropriately based on the occasions.
5. Think out of the box and have an on going list of creative ideas to promote your business.
6. Keep reading variety of books on similar business by well known authors. This will keep you
7. Try and create your own FaceBook Page, Twitter profile, Pinterest & Instagram Profile.
8. Make your own Google+ Page;
9. Join Google+communities of similar business & be a regular contributor;
10. Use all these social media to create your own fan/followers;
11. Create and keep sending your own E-Mail News Letters to all your Friends, relatives, family
Members, colleagues, etc.
12. If you have already built a customer base then request them for Referrals.
13. Join LinkedIn and create a referral network with other professionals there;
14. Request your existing customers to provide Testimonials;
15. Conduct local events for your neighbors and friends & introduce your products & services;
Make them understand your sincere interest & how you can help them with quality products at
affordable prices;
16. Explain to them about Garage Sales & say that you can help them for early disposal and
quick cash income;
17. Keep advertising in local News Papers, Magazines, Local Cable Television Network;
18. Visit Professional Colleges & say that you can help students with an opportunity to become
business owners;
19. Create your own Flyers and keep issuing them by visiting Beach/Malls/Restaurants/Post & Tele-
graph Offices/Insurance Office/Employment Exchange;
20. Discuss & place flyers in your local Grocery Shops/Petrol Bunks;
21. Create your own Video and place it in You Tube;
22. Submit blogs on your Stores to large Web Sites;
23. Use your contacts with local News Paper reporters and place a Press Release;
24. Try & conduct On line Webinar/Work Shop, etc;
25. Always begin your day with a feeling that you are going to change some one's life style with
your products and services.
26, Above all, be sincere and honest in your Marketing approach. Accept criticism with an open
mind & use them to improve yourself continuously.
Please try and implement any and all of these Marketing Habits & I can assure you that you will be able to see marked improvement in your ECA Business Growth quickly.