What are some daily marketing habits I can implement to grow my TripleClicks (ECA) business?
I love this question because I was an ECA and I believe I was on of the best. I did market higher ticket items so these products sell a bit slower but for me they are the most profitable. Really growing your ECA means that you need to have a central product theme, broad range of products in that theme, and excellent customer service.
I don't believe you can effectively do all products like a larger discount store. The cash outlay need to do this is much higher and you are probably going to have more losers than winners when it comes to product categories. So what I did was to build my ECA around one hot product theme like electronics. Then you need to offer a broad range of products in that category. Some low range, mid range and higher products work great when they are all in the same category. For example, a Lenovo laptop is going to be more expensive than a Dell. So I would offer a power Dell laptop at a considerably lower price point than the Lenovo. But you might think I wouldn't sell the Lenovo. Actually the opposite is true because price is not the only consideration in the buying process. If the prospect is looking for a status symbol in a notebook then a Lenovo is just what they are going to buy or even an Apple which cost even more! But for the personal more concerned about functionality and practically, the Dell may be a good choice because the prospect would save 100s of dollars over the Apple. Purchases are a matter of preference more than price. It's difficult to wrap your mind around this sometimes as the more expensive items cost more to stock. Profit margin has to balance with customer needs and that's how you sell anything.
As the saying is "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" customer experience is the same way. Every ECA should set out to provide the best customer experience possible but not at the expense of the business. Speedy delivery, excellent feedback, no hassle returns policy, and variety all play a major role in customer experience. However, the rating is in the power of the customer. Do all you can to get a favorable rating. It will only serve to better your customer service skills. I lost money on a few items to save the customer service experience. Image and reputation matters. So once they is lost know that you might as well close the ECA! Be courteous, polite, and available. Then after all of that sometimes you will get an unfavorable rating! Don't let that bother you as long as you did everything you could do.
Finally, having a subdomain has some advantages. That is you benefit from all the top level domain traffic that you don't have to pay for. So merely being on TripleClicks will bring traffic to your ECA (hint! ;) ) Then if you want to use all of the marketing tools available to create custom banners to sell products and attract members that's all the better. Definitely promote your own ECA and maximize every opportunity to share on social networks. Keep accurate records and get your own domain so that you can promote your own brand - YOU! To recap:
1. High demand products centered on a theme.
2. Excellent customer service - returns policy, feedback, warranty, etc.
3. Do your own marketing as well as get your own domain.
What are some daily marketing habits I can implement to grow my TripleClicks (ECA) business?
I love this question because I was an ECA and I believe I was on of the best. I did market higher ticket items so these products sell a bit slower but for me they are the most profitable. Really growing your ECA means that you need to have a central product theme, broad range of products in that theme, and excellent customer service.
I don't believe you can effectively do all products