Good day Thomas,
This is an interesting question, and i do hope I can be of assistance.
In general, every business benefits when we create a video regardless of whether we are selling a service or a product, It’s easy to release your videos on YouTube. You can also link to them on your personal website, or distribute them with a traditional DVD.
To promote SFI using a video, you will need to introduce yourself to your prospective customers. The “About me” page on your personal website is the standard place to introduce yourself to your prospects and describe your background. Bringing that information to life with a video will leave a profound impression on your viewers. And if your business is done primarily
over the Internet, it can also help to bridge the cap between you and
your prospective customers.
“By giving folks a snapshot of who you are and what your business is about, will help potential customers feel more at ease, and more comfortable transacting business online.
A video “About me” page can be simple – you describe your background and services and share your passion. You could be sitting at a desk, or casually walking through your store or work area.
Also, when promoting SFI with a Video, we must give instructions more
attention. For instance, logging on and viewing all red tabs is an instruction that needs to be adhered to. This instruction needs to be communicated regularly in the video or if its a tripleclicks product, instructions on how to care for a product, where to go for updates etc. Putting the information in a video will not only save you from repeating yourself, it’ll increase the likelihood that your customers will listen.
When promoting your SFI Video, you tend to bring customers in for a closer
look. Using a video blog (vlog) is a fun way to give customers an inside
look at your SFI business, and to change the pace from your usual written blog. Even if you don’t keep a regular blog, you could release a video blog occasionally, whenever you have something you want to share with your viewers.
Also, using a video, to promote SFI, you are promoting a wealth of knowledge on your business. In the video, you would shed light on questions most affiliates ask when they join and if possible, links for them to view.
In summary, when we have followed the above process designing a video on SFI, we can promote the video link via emails to our safelist contacts, upload the video via youtube, Share on video links on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
All the best.
Good day Thomas,
This is an interesting question, and i do hope I can be of assistance.
In general, every business benefits when we create a video regardless of whether we are selling a service or a product, It’s easy to release your videos on YouTube. You can also link to them on your personal website, or distribute them with a traditional DVD.
To promote SFI using a video, you will need to introduce yourself to your prospective customers. The “About me”