"How can I help the Movers on my team move up to the next level?"
Excellent goal. For starters that's why the 'Movers' tab exists so you can work with your workers! Of course, the same rule applies to movers as to inactives as far as getting them to take action on your recommendations. You can't make anyone do anything that they are not willing to do. They don't work for you or care that you are their sponsor. They care about 1 thing and that is THEIR progress. Never give your movers the impression that you want to make money off of them. They'll die out faster than flies! Listen to them and help them achieve their goals.
The best way to help your movers stay alive is to help them from the stand point of their goals and budget. Everyone has some descretionary income that they can use to grow their business. All you need to do is cut back on unnecessary purchases like pizza, soda, etc. Remind your movers that everyone can set aside a budget so that they can grow their business. It is important that every serious affiliate has a budget. What's important also is that you understand that everyones budget is different. So if an affiliate can't set a SO for 125 pk of TCredits then maybe they can set one for a 50 pk of TCredits. It's all beneficial and as long as they use their TCredits wisely; they benefit!.
Secondly, they must be open to your recommendations. If so, great then if not then no sweat. Just give them the praise and support that they deserve. We are all independent business owners and as such we are responsible for our own success. So many people like to do things their way. That's okay - as long as they are making progress. Let them do it the way they would like to. If they want to have a SO they can and if not then it is okay. There is no purchase requirement and those that choose to set a SO reap those rewards. If they want to talk to you by phone great but if not then that's okay too. I have called some of my team members by phone and spoke with them. Some people like it and some don't. Find out what works for support each mover and stick with that for them. There is no all in one solution.
Finally, one you have a mover that is open to you then you give them simple steps to take to achieve their next milestone. They will appreciate clarity and it will give them a sense of accomplishment when they are making good progress. Find out what their income goal is and work with them on a plan to achieve that income level with their business. You are the leader and so when you have done everything else right your movers will listen to your recommendations. That's duplication. That's how you help your movers move from 1 milestone to the next.
"How can I help the Movers on my team move up to the next level?"
Excellent goal. For starters that's why the 'Movers' tab exists so you can work with your workers! Of course, the same rule applies to movers as to inactives as far as getting them to take action on your recommendations. You can't make anyone do anything that they are not willing to do. They don't work for you or care that you are their sponsor. They care about 1 thing and that is THEIR progress. Never ...more