How can I help the Movers on my team move up to the next level?
Firstly I “LEAD FROM THE FRONT!” I am VERY AGGRESSIVE myself in striving for the highest rank I can possibly obtain each month.
On the first day of each month I work out a plan for the month of what rank I think I can achieve. My plan includes not just the next rank but the rank above it too. I think two ranks ahead because there can be a number of ways of obtaining the next rank AND I want to work out the one way that will ALSO give me the best chance of achieving the rank above that.
Actually I am currently thinking three ranks ahead. This is because my Member Reward Points (MRP) will give me EA for the next two to three months - so becoming an EA isn’t an issue – the real issue is if I can make Silver Team Leader (SLT) again each month.
I review my rank aspirations regularly, at least weekly, and particularly every time I win more TCredits or VersaPoints (VP) – and, thanks to SFI, that happens quite regularly. Sometimes, if my personal situation deteriorates, I have to review my plan downwards. Plans are not written in stone. Life happens and we have to make adjustments. I also tell my team when that happens and why. Sometimes, later in the month I am able to revise my plan upwards again. Planning is dynamic.
I also believe that SFI has set up the TCredit and Gift Card transfers to Action VersaPoints (AVP) system, whereby it is possible to transfer up to 800 TCredits to AVP and also earn 300 AVP per month from Gift Card distribution. This means that the serious SFI businessperson SHOULD be able to achieve STL each month – and that this should become the BASE RANK. (That’s aggressive, eh?)
So, that is my personal “mindset” and I communicate this to my team regularly. I want them to know how I think, what I think and why? Hopefully then they are more likely to ask for and trust my advice.
It is from this base that I encourage my Movers to MOVE UP as far as possible each month. I’m very direct - I put the question to them. For instance: - “You are now EA – Congratulations, THAT’S GREAT! Now, do you want to go to Bronze Team Leader?” And I respond to however they answer this question.
I also explain to all my team in my weekly TeamMails that I believe SFI’s attitude is to also encourage us as much as possible to go higher, at whatever rank we are currently at. Why do I think this?
It’s because I REALLY APPRECIATE the encouragement that SFI gives us. I am referring to the messages that we receive in the “Rank Qualifications” section of our “Scoreboard Tab” on our SFI Homepage; see: -
AND, what I love about this is that AS SOON AS I have achieved one rank SFI IMMEDIATELY advises me of the what I need to do to reach the next rank. For instance, as of this moment SFI tells me that I need only 1,001 VP to become Bronze Team Leader (again) this month. I JUST LOVE THIS!
Of course, I have already received the separate email and SFI message that confirmed my EA status (in this case). Then as soon as I open my Scoreboard Tab again I am greeted with the above message.
I really love that SFI is saying to me; “Don’t rest on your laurels. We believe you can go higher.” They sow the seed – that is why I made STL in my first month in SFI. Isn’t it great that someone believes in you? And I want to pass this encouragement on to my team.
But don’t assume that your downline is fully aware of the permutations in SFI. Spell these out to them. Show them what is possible. Give them your best advice about how they could achieve the next rank. Help them “pug” any weaknesses in their daily/weekly/monthly free AVP activity – those missed AVP each day or week add up by month’s end.
And this works two ways. If, for instance, I know I can’t make the next rank by month’s end I will try and save as many free AVP as possible to carry forward into the next month – for instance the 38 free weekly AVP and the 25 AVP for a product review. In other words teach your team to earn their AVP WHEN THEY NEED THEM.
So each of my team members gets individual tailored advice geared specifically for them. AND I also respect their sovereignty over their own business – for instance I have one CSA who is happy just to be EA each month. (WOW! Am I happy she is so consistent? I can count on her every month.) I respect whatever decision a member of my team makes.
I’ve just re-read what I have written. Most of the above is written with the view point of earning as many AVP as possible each month. But my advice also includes the most cost-effective way to earn Sales VersaPoints (SVP) each month – first from personal purchases and then from Sales by PSAs and TripleClick Members (TM).
And also the ABSOLUTE need to recruit and develop a team. And I discuss with them the most cost-effective ways I have found to do this using ECA products and Pricebender Auctions (PA).
Really, the way forward will vary for each of our team members. There is no magic “one method” that will work for everyone. I see my job as helping them find out what works best for them.