Wow !!! High-quality video is a superpower way of promotion and advertising.
It's an advertisement, like any other. It has excellent, good, bad and horrible commercials.
No matter how long Your video, it must tell Your story. You have to tell all the good facts about SFI. You have to say, what did You get with Your membership in SFI. This story must be true, accurate and has people watching Your video, get into action. This is a registration.
From the technical point of view, Your video must be professional. Do not embarrass You and SFI.
You have to develop a video script. You have to determine the time for each frame. You have to choose a good location for filming. This could be Your home, garden, yard, etc.. Include children as active extras. Satisfied kids are winners of the hearts.
You can record high quality video with good DSLR, but takes care about the lighting. Don't record from the hands. You need a quality tripod, slider, fluid video-head, microphones, audio recorder, etc. If you have not all this, rent, or, perhaps the best solution, seek out a professional... Video quality has to achieve today's standards. This is a Full HD 1080p
Perhaps most important...
Send your video in SFI, due authorization. If SFI says it's all right, then rush to promote...
A lot of success want You.
Wow !!! High-quality video is a superpower way of promotion and advertising.
It's an advertisement, like any other. It has excellent, good, bad and horrible commercials.
No matter how long Your video, it must tell Your story. You have to tell all the good facts about SFI. You have to say, what did You get with Your membership in SFI. This story must be true, accurate and has people watching Your video, get into action. This is a registration.
From the technical point