When you give away TripleClicks Gift Cards to your prospects, you would normally advise them to log in to TripleClicks.com/giftcards to redeem it.
At the back of the card is a statement that says the card is issued by Carson Services Inc. which is the parent company of SFI.
TripleClicks is a division of SFI, and once your prospects redeemed the Gift Cards they become your Personally Referred Members (PRMs).
They then might want to check out our online TC store and use the 6TCredits to purchase products or bid at PB penny auctions, or play any of the Eager Zebra games. or download music, etc.
While browsing through the many features of TripleClicks, explain the possibility of them becoming affiliates so that they can enjoy even more the benefits of being SFI affiliates and develop a second income by having a business of their own . They can just convert to become SFI Affiliates and at the same time remain as a TC Member.
This will then make them excited about SFI as they have now an idea of the relationship between SFI and TripleClicks and the part played by Gift Cards in advertising to build an online profitable SFI business.
When you give away TripleClicks Gift Cards to your prospects, you would normally advise them to log in to TripleClicks.com/giftcards to redeem it.
At the back of the card is a statement that says the card is issued by Carson Services Inc. which is the parent company of SFI.
TripleClicks is a division of SFI, and once your prospects redeemed the Gift Cards they become your Personally Referred Members (PRMs).
They then might want to check out our online TC store and ...more