I like your question, Janet.
I however find it difficult to see an affiliate looking at you as a dictator, because there is actually nothing to dictate. You teach, you encourage, you cajole, you support.
You teach the affiliate what to do and how to do it. Remember, examples are better than precepts, so you get better results through leading by example.
Have you been doing what you are asking the affiliate to do? Show the affiliate.
Have you been consistent in doing your daily reviews? Show the affiliate.
Do you want to convince the affiliate that the surest way to be and maintain an EA status every month is by having a standing order of 125 Tcredits per month? Ensure you have one yourself and show the affiliate your badge, bragging rights and bonuses you have on Daily Grand Draw as a result.
Do you support the affiliate when, say, the affiliate has just a few versa points to hit the EA status for the month? Do it. I do so regularly for the very few serious affiliates I have, and they are on.
The latter, more than anything else shows you are far from selfish, but that you are also interested in their success.
I hope the above helps.
I like your question, Janet.
I however find it difficult to see an affiliate looking at you as a dictator, because there is actually nothing to dictate. You teach, you encourage, you cajole, you support.
You teach the affiliate what to do and how to do it. Remember, examples are better than precepts, so you get better results through leading by example.
Have you been doing what you are asking the affiliate to do? Show the affiliate.
Have you been consistent