You made me smile with your question. It painted this picture of you standing there like a Idi Amin, shaking your finger and with a strict face, telling your affiliates: You will work, you will build your business and you will make a success of it so I can make money. OR ELSE .....
Anybody working to build their business knows you have to be a little selfish. If your affiliates don't work you have to work that much harder to make money BUT on the other side, if you encourage them and support them and help them to build their business they make money and if they make money - so do you.
The best you can do is encourage, support and be positive. Ignoring them, threatning them or being negative is the shortest and quickest to chase them away - so do the oposite. Try to build a team, a team that works together and help each other.
You made me smile with your question. It painted this picture of you standing there like a Idi Amin, shaking your finger and with a strict face, telling your affiliates: You will work, you will build your business and you will make a success of it so I can make money. OR ELSE .....
Anybody working to build their business knows you have to be a little selfish. If your affiliates don't work you have to work that much harder to make money BUT on the other side, if you encourage them ...more