Maybe a challenge? Can you beat me? Can you be the champ? So you think you are smart?, put your money where your mouth it.
It is a game and games are suppose to be fun - so keep your invitation fun and call to your prospects competitiveness. A lot of people can not resist a challenge - they will do whatever it takes to win.
I saw an invitation where it was just a straightforward invitation. This is my league, join me - something to that effect. That will also work - but why not make it fun?
Hi there
Maybe a challenge? Can you beat me? Can you be the champ? So you think you are smart?, put your money where your mouth it.
It is a game and games are suppose to be fun - so keep your invitation fun and call to your prospects competitiveness. A lot of people can not resist a challenge - they will do whatever it takes to win.
I saw an invitation where it was just a straightforward invitation. This is my league, join me - something to that effect. That ...more