Do you understand the number one complaint of SFI affiliates? The answer is that their sponsor does not support them. Many affiliates who sign up send emails to their sponsor asking for help just to get started but unfortunately do not get a response. The first step to get an affiliate active is to send them a welcome email for the purpose of giving them a brief introduction to SFI. In the welcome letter you don't want to give to many details but it is important to give them the link to read the basics so that they can get a bird's eye view on how SFI works.
The second email should introduce them to affiliate marketing because this is what SFI is all about, so this is what all your sign-ups need to understand in order to learn how to start a business.
The first thing you need to do in order to get your affiliates to be active is proper communication after the welcome email because you want your affiliates to know that you are a true friend and that your agenda is not just about making money. The best example is live chat on a messenger, do not come across as a sales lady trying to sell products to them because it will shut them down and they will flee from you like the plague. The most important thing to remember is the fact that many signups want to make money not spend money so the first objective is to help them achieve fast track by showing them the Green jet planes on the to do list and then transferring TCredits so that they can get more VersaPoints from eager Zebra games and auctions.
So in order to appear as a true unselfish friend is to teach them all the things that you have learned and you also encourage them to educate themselves online through websites, blogs, eBooks.
A dictator as you know is driven by power, this means that they want to be leaders they want to be powerful and invincible by oppression. Their tactics is to use people to achieve a certain goal and once it is achieved they betray by either killing or discarding people once they use them so of course your affiliates will be skeptical. A caring sponsor emails affiliates to know how they are doing and to offer the best kind of help possible, a dictator on the other hand would bully their affiliates or employees with email intended to twist arms or bullying into upgrading or setting a standing order. Instead you should help them to make money not only by teaching them but by creating a blog or website used for promoting different gateways from your movers so that you can help them get a sale of 1500 VP and adding them to your coop to get signups and TC members.
I am giving you an example in writing to show you how to use the proper actions needed to get them started and keep them active. You are proving with your actions that you really want them to succeed as opposed to just being greedy for money.