Choose the wording of your communications carefully.
Try to guide your affiliates with suggestions rather than statements of "" or "...don't...". It can be difficult sometimes to remember that these are your partners, not your employees.
My suggestions...? I would suggest... You might want to... Try doing this... You might want to ... if you have the time.
Whenever your affiliates ask for your help, always try to formulate your answers along suggestive lines, including telling them the things that have worked best for you.
Choose the wording of your communications carefully.
Try to guide your affiliates with suggestions rather than statements of "" or "...don't...". It can be difficult sometimes to remember that these are your partners, not your employees.
My suggestions...? I would suggest... You might want to... Try doing this... You might want to ... if you have the time.
Whenever your affiliates ask for your help, always try to formulate your answers ...more