Thanks for this question.
First, please recognize the fact that your down lines are not your sub ordinates. They are also independent contractors like you and they are in this business to grow, earn and succeed.
They are either introduced by your own hand or you got them through your Sponsor or you bought them or you won them in Auctions. In any case, you are their Sponsor
As their Sponsor your duty first and foremost is to establish trust in their minds that you are there to help them grow continuously.
Every communication from your side should reflect on your commitment for their growth.
Without overwhelming them with steady flow of mails, you should give them practical tips, suggestions that can be followed practically,etc.
You can motivate them through Gift Certificates, TCredits, re-assignment of active PSAs, etc depending upon the situation that prevails within your Team.
You can motivate them through your performance and achievements.
When you keep supporting them like this continuously, they will love this business and they will remain active. They will never suspect your intentions or advice and in fact they will keep communicating with you regularly. They will never ever think you are selfish or try to brand you as a dictator rather they will always consider you as their trustworthy friend who is highly committed for their success.
Thanks for this question.
First, please recognize the fact that your down lines are not your sub ordinates. They are also independent contractors like you and they are in this business to grow, earn and succeed.
They are either introduced by your own hand or you got them through your Sponsor or you bought them or you won them in Auctions. In any case, you are their Sponsor
As their Sponsor your duty first and foremost is to establish trust in their minds that you